Your Kids Your Employees and Water

As a student, taxpayer, or employee, we have certain expectations of how and what water should be in the places we are during our daily lives. Are you a dentist? Are your patients rinsing with unfiltered water?
The Expectation
Whether we are parents with children in school, taxpayers in our municipalities, patients at the local dentist or employees in large corporations or small mom and pop shops, we have an expectation to have safe drinking water supplied. Today, there are many TDSs (total dissolved solids) being identified in the drinking water in many areas here in northern NJ. Those include but are not limited to PFOAs, lead and 1, 4 Dioxane to name a few.
As a school or employer, it is your responsibility to insure the safety of your charges. Pure drinking water is as simple as installing a water filtration system that addresses any potential TDSs in your water.