Top Signs That You Need a Home Water Filtration System

If you are like many homeowners, then it is likely that you use a filter at your sink or refrigerator to provide your family with fresh, clean drinking water. However, a simple drinking water filter may not be enough to protect your and your family from the contaminants and impurities that are found in many residential water supplies. Depending on your local water quality, impurities in your water could affect your water’s smell and taste, and your water could even cause problems for your hair, skin, clothing, and plumbing. This is where it is useful to invest in a home water filtration system. Such a system provides clean, fresh water to your entire home. Yet, how will you know if you should invest in a whole-home water filtration system? Here are a few signs that you can look out for indicating that your home could benefit from water treatment.
Water Turbidity
Many people drink filtered water because it tastes better. But, you should also pay attention to how your water looks. Depending on where you live, you may notice that your tap water is cloudy and/or contains sediment that can change the appearance of the water. Sediments commonly found in tap water include rust flakes, sand, gravel, and other debris that can enter your water supply. While these contaminants may not change the smell or taste of your water, it is unpleasant, unsightly, and unhealthy to drink contaminated water. Additionally, debris in your tap water can end up clogging and causing damage to your water heater, washing machine, and your dishwasher. If you discover any kind of sediment in your tap water, invest in a whole-home water filtration system.
It could save you money in the long-run.
Your Water Smells “Off”
You should also be concerned if you notice that your tap water doesn’t smell quite right. If your tap water smells like sulfur, fish, or chlorine, this can indicate that your municipal water supply is over-chlorinated. It could also mean that there is algae or other organic material present in your tap water. Drinking, cooking with, and bathing in odorous water is unpleasant, but the contaminants causing these smells can also end up damaging your clothing. In particular, chlorine in your water supply can cause your clothes to fade quicker when machine washed. Additionally, your clothes should come out of the washing machine smelling clean and fresh. Contaminated water may leave you with clothes that smell stale or mildewy. If you have noticed that your tap water or clean clothes smell off, it may be time to have a water filtration system installed.
Your House is Old
You may also want to consider investing in a home water filtration system if you live in an older home. Ones that were built before 1986 may have lead in their tap water. While it has been known for years that lead can cause adverse health problems, it was not until 1986 that the use of lead was banned in new plumbing systems. If you have an older home, you may have lead-based pipes or lead solder may have been used to seal the joints on your copper pipes. This could then cause lead to leach into your water supply, potentially causing adverse effects. However, investing in a high-quality water filtration system can remove this lead from your drinking water.
You’re on Well Water
If you live in an older home and/or in a rural area, your home may use well water. Some private wells provide clean, healthy drinking water. However, the widespread use of pesticides and other chemicals in recent decades has lead to the contamination of private wells in many regions. If your home uses well water, it is important that you have your water tested for common contaminants. Depending on the results, it may be important that you have a whole-home water filtration system installed.
Contact us to learn more about how you will know if a water filtration system is right for your home.