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4 Reasons Pet Owners Love Home Water Filtration Systems

Published by Admin on


Being a pet owner is all about responsibility. You take care of your pet so that they are free to love every minute of every day. Part of that is keeping your pet healthy and maintaining a healthy home environment. If your tap water is not healthy to drink, this can seriously affect the long-term health of your pet. The cleaner your water is at home, the more your pet can rely on easily accessible sources of water for sustenance and play.

That is why pet owners often seek whole-home water filtration. While humans can more casually rely on single-point filtered water, pets have much more to benefit when every tap in the house runs clean, filtered water. Let’s take a look at the top 4 reasons why a water filtration system is great for any home’s pets.

Pets Can Safely Drink from the Tap

Pet bowls can be filled up all over the house. You might have multiple bowls of water over the house, just so your pet can stay hydrated even if doors get closed. But that water needs to be clean. When every tap in the house runs filtered water, you can be sure that your pet is always drinking clean, healthy water. In fact, when you install a water filtration system for the entire house, even your outdoor taps will run clean water. This means that even if your pets drink from water outside, you can be sure that water is clean and safe.

Soft, Silky Fur and Healthy Skin

Of course, water filtration doesn’t just affect your pet’s nutrition. Hard water and water contaminants can also affect the quality of your pet’s fur from baths. What’s in a pet’s bath can strongly affect the texture, color, and health of their fur. Just as the right shampoo can make your pet’s fur more healthy, so too can the right water. Purified, filtered, and softened water all have benefits when it comes to bathing for the whole family, including pets. By removing unwanted minerals and contaminants, you ensure soft and clean water that is much better for skin, hair, and fur.

Bath time is safer and with whole-home water filtration, the bath taps are also running clean, safe water.

Pets and Kids Can Play in the Backyard

You can even trust the water outdoors. Not just for drinking, but also for playing in. If your pets enjoy playing in the sprinklers, you don’t have to worry about the quality of the water they are drinking and frolicking in. This is also true if children, yours or visiting, occasionally stage water fights in the backyard. The water they fill balloons and water guns and kiddie pools with will be clean and filtered, meaning it’s safe to let the kids play without worry. Pets who engage and play in the water are equally safe and carefree.

Less Cleanup After Baths and Playtime

The cherry on top is that filtered water also makes for easier clean-ups. Filtered water, especially softened water, makes it easier for soap to lather and for scrubbing to take effect. This makes bath time go faster, because less pet shampoo is more effective, and lathers more quickly. The water doesn’t leave a chalky residue, even if your pet shakes in the bathroom. Pet messes, baths, and water playtime are all easier to clean up when your water is filtered and softened.

Pet owners are always serious about responsibility. Taking care of your beloved pet is all about making the right decisions for your shared lifestyle. A home water filtration system is a great addition for your health and the health of your pets. Contact us today to learn more about installing water filtration in your home.



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537 Goffle Rd
Wyckoff, 07481


Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM-5:30 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

Newfoundland NJ

2850 Route 23 North
Newfoundland, 07435


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday: 9:00 AM-5:30 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM-6:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

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