Free water test
The word ‘free’ always conjures up a lot of excitement. When people are getting something for free, they are immediately enticed and excited. Everyone wants whatever they can have for little to no cost. Today, many different types of companies are using ‘free’ incentives to garner new customers. Everything from getting a simple key fob for a new store opening to receiving a 7 course meal at a fine restaurant for just listening to a talk about retirement or investments. The craziest thing about it is that folks will line up and wait for hours for a $3 key fob.
We all love the freebie, but we sometimes don’t consider or take advantage of some of what we’ll call ‘critical’ freebies. Take a free water test as an example. Did you know a professional water expert will provide a free water test for contaminants and water hardness?
Recently, the local news is running a story about issues with the local northern New Jersey water almost on a daily basis. While the water in this area is treated before it reaches your home (except in the case of a private wells), there are still many towns that are testing positive for traces of lead, PFOAs, and other contaminants in the drinking water.
Private Wells
Some of us have private well water. These wells have always been known to provide the freshest cleanest water available. In most areas, that is still the case; however, let’s take a moment to think about how your well water may be being affected by some of the recently reported contaminents. Consider run off. If you think about the local factories and manufacturing plants that are or were in the area at one time or still today, you may want to consider this potential contaminant risk. Roll off, run off, or waste drainage from the plant or factory may have soaked into the ground where or near your private well. Other contaminants are airborne and can find there way into our local waterways simply by settling on the water and land. There are many articles to learn about what may or may not be in your local or well water.
In The News
Here are some links to articles recently posted in the local newspaper. There is something about the local drinking water almost every day. The last link takes you to NorthJersey.Com where you can find a plethora of articles — is your town featured? Simply click on the link or the image to read more.
Wanaque mayor says water is monitored
West Milford collective plans herbicide treatment for Greenwood Lake
Officials: Water in Glen Ridge, Montclair being monitored
How your local water company is combating lead hazards
The Record: Clean water
Passaic Valley Water Commission announces plan to expand water testing for lead
Is Your Town Here?
Are You Paying Attention?
Not all of us receive the newspaper, but we dare say that these articles and information can be found anywhere on line. Whether it be our blog or just through a google search, it is imperative that you do your due diligence in finding out more about what you’re drinking.
These articles are really just the tip of the iceberg. The wonderful news is that there are effective, cost-efficient filtering systems available for your home. A professional free water test will outline for you exactly what, if any, contaminants are present. Take advantage of the most important freebie of all and take charge of your drinking water today. Call for a free water test 800-955-8476.