The Presence of Lead in Drinking Water Poses Significant Health Risks.

Is calcium in drinking water a good or bad thing? On one hand, you need calcium for strong bones and teeth. On the other hand, too much calcium can result in more health problems than it solves. You may not think too much about calcium in water that you’re drinking, but if you are at risk for certain health problems or are taking supplements, you should be. Here’s why.
What is Hypercalcemia?
Hypercalcemia is a condition in which calcium levels in the blood are too high. Your parathyroid glands are four tiny glands located just behind your thyroid. These glands are responsible for controlling calcium levels in your body. They do this by secreting hormones that send messages to your bones and kidneys. These signals tell your:
- Bones to release calcium into your bloodstream
- Kidneys to secret excess calcium into your urine
- Digestive tract to absorb more calcium from the foods you eat
- Kidneys to active Vitamin D, which allows your body to easily absorb calcium
If your parathyroid glands are not working properly, they may send messages that result in too much calcium being released into your bloodstream. They may also send out too much hormone, a condition referred to as secondary hyperparathyroidism. Ironically, secondary hyperparathyroidism has also been linked to fluoride in drinking water, which is another reason you may want to consider a filter.
Dangers of Hypercalcemia
Hypercalcemia is especially dangerous for your kidneys. When you have too much calcium in your blood, the kidneys have to work harder in order to eliminate waste. You are also at an increased risk of developing kidney stones. That’s because excess calcium can leave crystal-like deposits that eventually harden and turn into stones.
Hypercalcemia affects the central nervous system, and can disrupt the electrical impulses that govern your heartbeat. This means you are susceptible to irregular heart rhythms and at a greater risk for having a heart attack.
A few other symptoms you might notice as a result of high blood calcium include:
- Digestive problems
- Muscle weakness
- Confusion
- Lethargy
Treating Hypercalcemia
Oddly enough, hypercalcemia can actually make you more susceptible to developing osteoporosis. As such, it’s important to treat this condition promptly. First, a blood test is needed to determine what your calcium levels are. Routine checkups are important, as many people do not show any signs of hypercalcemia until they begin losing bone mass.
Doctors normally recommend patients stay well hydrated in order to keep the kidneys functioning properly. Of course, you’ll need to drink fresh, clean water without any added fluoride or minerals. And you’ll need to carefully monitor the mineral content of water you cook with as well.
You may need to adjust your intake of certain foods that are high in calcium. Once calcium levels have returned to normal, you may then begin adding dairy foods back into your diet. Your physician may also recommend calcium, magnesium, or Vitamin D supplements at that time.
Routine monitoring is recommended for anyone diagnosed with hypercalcemia. If the condition reoccurs even after you’ve incorporated diet and lifestyle changes, this could indicate a more serious problem such as a tumor.
Preventing High Levels of Calcium in Water
It’s easier to prevent hypercalcemia than it is to treat it. One way of doing that is by drinking plenty of clear water without any extra additives. By doing so, you can better control your calcium intake, while optimizing your kidney function.
A whole-house water filter is the best way to prevent hypercalcemia. Not only does it eliminate calcium, but it also gets rid of other harmful substances that are dangerous for your thyroid. To find the model that is perfect for your household, please contact us.