A Water Softener Can Eliminate Dangers from Excessive Iron Levels
High levels of iron and manganese in water are generally caused by corroded iron pipes. Learn how a water softener can eliminate excessive iron levels
High levels of iron and manganese in water are generally caused by corroded iron pipes. Learn how a water softener can eliminate excessive iron levels
If you have well water, chances are that you’ve had your fill of damage to the pipes, fixtures, or laundry. Or, maybe you’re tired of finding extra deposits in your hair or smelling a funny odor when you’re taking a bath. You will probably choose a water softener service because Read more…
How does your skin feel after you bathe? Does it feel itchy and dry? The water in your home may be affecting your skin, especially if you have hard water. You may notice the effects of hard water on all kinds of cleaning tasks. Clean dishes or glasses may dry Read more…
Clean water should be a necessity for any home. Whether that’s taking a shower, drinking a glass, rinsing vegetables, or doing laundry, water comes into contact with the body. Ensuring that water is clean and treated is essential for the quality of living in the home. Watercare products are equipped Read more…
Contaminants have spiked in the Newark city water supply, leaving its municipal customers scrambling to ease the problem trickling into their towns. Nutley has followed Belleville and Bloomfield in alerting citizens that water supplied by the Newark Water Department contains haloacetic acids above the federal standard. “It’s a problem that needs to Read more…
Water is one of the essential commodities in every household, and ensuring that the water you use at home is safe is critical. The quality of your home water depends on the source and the treatment it receives before getting into your house. Unfortunately, hard water may find its way into Read more…
Drinking water in several Pequannock homes has tested high for elevated levels of lead, prompting township officials to send out a notice telling residents how to reduce their exposure. Lead levels rose to 28 parts per billion, almost double the federal standard, according to data from the state Department of Environmental Protection. Pequannock had Read more…
Home water filtration is a solution that is absolutely necessary for some homes and a pleasant but unnecessary extra in others. What most people don’t realize is just how fine that line can be. It all depends on the current quality of your home’s water and if you have any Read more…
Is calcium in drinking water a good or bad thing? On one hand, you need calcium for strong bones and teeth. On the other hand, too much calcium can result in more health problems than it solves. You may not think too much about calcium in water that you’re drinking, Read more…
Does the water in your tap flow dusty yellow or rust-red? Is there a yellow-to-red stain around every sink drain in the house? Or have your pipes only recently started running rusty water, with the rust coming from goodness-knows-where along the city supplier pipes? For whatever reason you’ve found yourself Read more…