Things to Consider When Choosing a Home Water Filter

Harmful chemicals, such as lead iron, pesticides, and pharmaceutical residues, can make water unsafe for drinking. To safeguard your health and that of your family, it is crucial to take the necessary measures to purify the water used in your house. A home water filter is an excellent choice.
There are many types of water filters to choose from. As such, you ought to know which suits your needs before purchasing. Here we compile a list of what you need to consider when choosing the right water filtration system for your home.
Type of Home Water Filter
When shopping for a filter, you have to know the type of contaminants in your water. Here you will need to consult a professional who is well versed in identifying these impurities. Typically, well water contains hardness minerals, iron, and sediments. As such, if you use a private well, you might want to get a filter that is designed to remove these impurities. If your water is maintained by the municipal council, you will need to get a filter that can remove materials such as chlorine, sediments, and minerals.
Having prior knowledge of the types of impurities you are dealing with is vital when purchasing a house filter.
The Size of the Filter
The size of the filter matters because it determines the pressure of the water that flows into your house. Typically, a large filter is ideal as it means more water as well as an increased service interval. If you have an average household, a 4.5 by 20 inches filter is appropriate. Large households need a flow rate of 25 gpm and ports that measure 1.5 inches. This means that as you consider the size of the home water filter, take into consideration the size of your household.
Water Goals
While installing a water filter in your home, consider whether you want to filter all the water coming into your house or just for a specific purpose, say drinking. Depending on what you want, you can filter the water at the entry point or point of use. The former means that the filter is installed where all the water used at home comes through, while the latter means installing a filter where the water is being used.
Having a filter at the entry point tends to be preferable because you are sure to have only purified water in your home.
Lifespan of Water Filtration System
You can determine the lifespan of your home water filter by how long it takes you to replace it. Its lifespan depends on the type of water you are using and the impurities in it. Basically, if your water contains sediments and minerals that lead to rusting, then you are likely to replace yours more often. To know that it is time to get a new filter, check whether the water pressure has reduced, as low pressure means it is worn out.
Flow Rate of Appliances and Dispensers
Flow rate is the amount of water that runs through all house appliances and dispensers, including showers, water heaters, toilets, and dishwashers. Here you should consider the size of your family and how much water you use within a specific period.
Equally important is to know the number of dispensers in your home and their flow rate. You should consult a professional who can calculate the flow rate for you as well as advise you on the best filters.
Cost of the System
Prices of home water filters vary depending on factors such as their use and ease of maintenance. In addition to the cost, make sure you know how long it will take before you have to replace it as some tend to collect damage faster than others.
Considering these factors will ensure that you buy a durable water filter that can serve your needs efficiently. After making a purchase, you only need to reach out to us at Passaic Bergen Water Softening to install it for you and advise on how to go about using it. Contact us today for the best offers.