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Elevated lead levels found in drinking water of Pequannock homes

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Drinking water in several Pequannock homes has tested high for elevated levels of lead, prompting township officials to send out a notice telling residents how to reduce their exposure.

Lead levels rose to 28 parts per billion, almost double the federal standard, according to data from the state Department of Environmental Protection. Pequannock had registered only 3 parts per billion in the last round of testing, which ended in 2016.

But township officials said Tuesday that there is no public health threat.welcome_to_pequannock_sign-300x224

The sharp rise was due to a change in testing protocol this year required by the state that targeted older homes likely to have lead plumbing fixtures, said Adam Brewer, the township manager. Only nine of 60 homes were above the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s standard of 15 parts per billion.

Pequannock’s public advisory on Monday included several steps residents and business owners should take to avoid intake.

“Lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children,” the advisory stated.

No amount of lead in drinking water is considered safe, according to several government agencies and health organizations. Lead accumulates in the body over time and is especially harmful to the development of children, infants and fetuses.

Noting that lead commonly enters drinking water as a result of the corrosion of materials containing lead in older water-distribution systems and household plumbing, officials suggested that in some cases, people should consider using bottled water for drinking and cooking.

“For those with lead service lines, flushing the water may not reduce lead levels,” officials said. “If you are served by a lead service line, or until you determine if you are served by one, you should consider using bottled water or a point-of-use filter that is certified by the National Sanitation Foundation to reduce lead.”

A stronger advisory was issued for cooking and preparing baby formula, starting with using cold water.

Pequannock’s water had never before come close to the elevated reading of 28 parts per billion this year, according to state records.

In fact, levels had been decreasing or staying the same in recent years:

  • 2007: 8 parts per billion
  • 2010: 4 parts per billion
  • 2013: 3 parts per billion
  • 2016: 3 parts per billion

But the key 90th-percentile reading of the 60 samples taken from January through mid-May is almost double the EPA’s standard of 15 parts per billion.

The rise likely came because the township was forced to change the way it tests its water, Brewer said.

The DEP wanted more stringent tests because some of Pequannock’s water comes from Newark, which has found very high levels of the toxic metal in its residents’ taps, the township manager said.

Instead of sampling tap water from 30 randomly selected homes every three years, Pequannock had to test 60 targeted homes that were old enough to likely have internal lead plumbing fixtures, Brewer said.

The cause was likely old lead plumbing fixtures in homes. Unlike many surrounding towns, Pequannock does not have lead utility lines that connect water mains in the street to homes, Brewer said.

Tests done on water outside of nine homes that exceeded the federal level of 15 parts per billion showed only trace amounts of lead, Brewer said.

Despite its own goals of having zero lead in drinking water, the EPA forces public water systems like Pequannock to take corrective action only when more than 10 percent of lead samples in a given period exceed 15 parts per billion.

Pequannock will likely have to develop a new plan to deal with corrosion control.

Many factors contribute to how water is able to leach lead from utility-owned pipes and household plumbing fixtures, but a major factor is the water’s acidity. Water that is more acidic is likely to leach more lead.

Among the techniques used to deal with lead is adding zinc orthophosphate to water. Considered a food-grade compound, the chemical compound is often used to coat the inside lining of pipes in utilities that have a lead problem.

For homes with known or unknown lead service lines that do not have a point-of-use filter, the New Jersey Department of Health recommends that bottled water be used for infants who are being fed with formula and for all children under the age of 6.

“Do not cook with or drink water from the hot water tap,” officials advised. “Hot water can dissolve lead more quickly than cold water. If you need hot water, draw water from the cold tap and then heat it. Do not use water from the hot water tap to make baby formula.”

Homes that do not have lead-containing materials should not experience elevated levels of lead from the water supply.

Nine of 60 samples collected at residences served by the Pequannock Township Water Department between Feb. 2 and March 18 exceeded the New Jersey Lead Action Level of 15 parts per billion.

Pequannock has contracts to purchase water from Newark during high-demand periods and to sell small quantities of water to Lincoln Park and Riverdale.

What you can do?

For more information on reducing lead exposure in homes and businesses, and the health effects of lead, visit, call the National Lead Information Center at 800-424-LEAD or Safe Drinking Water Act hotline at 1-800-426-4791, or contact your health care provider.

More tips from the DEP

  • Do not boil water to remove lead.Boiling water will not reduce lead.
  • Remove and clean aerator screens on plumbing fixtures.Over time, particles and sediment can collect in the aerator screen usually found at the tip of indoor faucets. Regularly remove and clean aerator screens and remove any particles.
  • Proper and routine maintenance of water softeners. It is very important that residents manage their water softeners appropriately. Not properly maintaining a water softener could have a negative impact on the corrosivity of the water in your home.
  • Look for alternative sources or treatment of water. Consider purchasing bottled water or a water filter. Be sure the filter is approved to reduce lead or contact NSF International at 1-800-NSF-8010 or for information on performance standards for water filters. Be sure to maintain and replace a filter device in accordance with the manufacturer.
  • Get your child tested. Contact the local health department or health care provider to find out how to get your child tested for lead if you are concerned about exposure. A family doctor or pediatrician can perform a blood test for lead and provide you with information about the health effects of lead. The New Jersey Department of Health recommends that children under the age of 6 have their blood lead levels screened as soon as possible, regardless of previous blood lead testing history by their primary health care provider.

Originally on

William Westhoven and Scott Fallon, North Jersey Record



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