Four Signs You Need a Water Softener in Your Home

If you are considering getting a water softener for your home, then it is likely that you have already researched the benefits that whole-home water softening can provide. However, if you are new to your area, or are unfamiliar with the quality of your municipal water supply, it would be understandable if you were not sure if your water is hard and in need of softening, as some cities offer softer water than others. To help you decide if a water softener may be a good investment, here are four signs that hard water may be causing problems in your home.
1. Your Appliances Are Breaking Down
One of the clearest indications of a hard water problem in your home is if you constantly seem to be having issues with, or having to replace, major appliances such as your washer, dishwasher, water heater, or refrigerator. When a home has hard water, this causes mineral deposits called scale to build up within the appliances and plumbing in your home. Scale buildup in your appliances can cause them to run less efficiently, to require more maintenance, and to die prematurely. If appliance maintenance is a constant problem in your home, then it is likely that you have extremely hard water and you should consider investing in a water softener.
2. Skin and Hair Troubles
Not only can the minerals in hard water wreak havoc on your appliances, but they can also have damaging effects on your skin and hair. The calcium and magnesium present in hard water can dry out and even damage your skin and hair, which can lead to hair that is frizzy, dry, and brittle, and skin that feels dry and itchy. The fact is that when you shower in hard water, even your soap, shampoo, and conditioner will be able to do little to combat the negative effects of the hard water. This is because the minerals in hard water will settle on your skin creating a film that is difficult for soap and shampoo to penetrate. This film can also block pores, which can lead to inflammation and blackheads. If you have been fighting with your skin and hair routine and are still experiencing dryness, hard water may be to blame.
3. Your Showering Experience is Less Than Ideal
Are you constantly fighting with the shower heads and faucets in your home in an effort to try to remove scum, scale, and calcium buildup? If so, it is likely that you have a hard water problem. When you are done using your shower, the remaining water on the shower head will evaporate, leaving mineral deposits from hard water. This mineral buildup can start to plug up your showerhead, or any of the faucets in your home, leading to drastically reduced water pressure. While you can temporarily fix this problem by cleaning or replacing these fixtures, the root problem, which is the hard water in your home, will still exist. A water softener will eliminate this problem, helping to ensure that you can take long and luxurious showers unimpeded.
4. How is Your Laundry Turning Out?
You can also look at your laundry to see if you have a hard water problem in your home. Hard water can not only damage your washer over time, but it can also make it more difficult for your clothes to get clean. If your clothes do not seem to be getting as clean as you would like, or if it feels like there is soap or residue on your clothes after each wash, then it is likely that hard water is to blame. Even if your washer is new, hard water can make it more difficult for your clothes to get sufficiently clean. Not only can hard water prevent your washer from doing its job properly, but the minerals, chlorine, and other contaminants in hard water can also cause your clothes to fade and degrade faster than normal. If your clothes seem to be wearing out quickly, this can be another sign of a hard water problem.
If you suspect that hard water is causing problems in your home, contact us to learn about the benefits a water softener can provide.