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5 Hidden Costs of Using Hard Water in Winter

Published by Admin on

Young couple cleaning dishes in the kitchen after the family dinner and concerned about the hard water in winter weather.

The effects of hard water often worsen in winter, with the severe winds and freezing temperatures outside. It gives rise to many complications which cost money to fix. But you can save yourself lots of money if you install a water softener.

Here are five costs installing a water softener in your home will prevent:

1. Malfunctioning pipes

Without a reliable water softener, the hard water flowing through your plumbing system can wreck the pipes. The water leaves behind deposits of limescale and other compounds in the pipes, resulting in blockages, especially in joints. Blocked pipes can cause other problems, such as bursting, which will call for expensive repairs.

If you don’t install a water softener, you may likely experience more challenges in the winter. You will have to step out into the cold to inspect the problematic pipes, and since you can’t fix them yourself, you’ll need to call in a certified plumber. Engaging these services in winter can be more expensive than other times of the year.  

2. Higher electricity bills

The electrical components of your home aren’t immune to the adverse effects of hard water in winter. The dishwasher and laundry machine would have to work longer – and use more energy – than necessary to get your items clean. The hard water deposits on utensils and clothes confuse the sensors into thinking they aren’t clean yet.

If you notice higher electricity bills without a considerable change in your energy consumption patterns, you need to check the hardness of your water. Hard water also reduces the efficiency of your electrical components, and can reduce their lifetime. Installing an efficient and reliable water softener would go a long way to solve these problems.

3. Equipment replacement and repairs

With hard water flowing through your plumbing system, you’ll likely be repairing or replacing equipment in your home more often than necessary. It clogs components, such as water filters, reducing their lifespans. This means you’ll be replacing them more frequently than if you had a water softener taking care of hard water in your home.

4. You spend more money on cleaning supplies

The mineral deposits in hard water compromise the quality of the water you use for drinking, cooking, washing, and other daily activities. The tiny mineral particles in hard water accumulate on surfaces, making it difficult to remove dirt, food, oils, and other substances from surfaces using soap or detergents.

Hard water neutralizes soap and lowers its efficacy, requiring you to use more of it to achieve the same hygiene standards. As a result, you’ll have to spend significantly more money on cleaning materials during those winter months. Your detergents are more effective, and you need less when you have soft water. 

5. Buying more personal care products

After a hot shower, soap scum accumulates on more than your shower walls. Because hard water stops soap from dissolving, it can cause a film to form on your skin, making it look dull and dry. If you have delicate skin, the residues can irritate it and aggravate skin conditions like eczema. As a result, you’ll need to spend more money on different types of shampoo, soap, and moisturizers to fix these issues. Keep in mind that these products also run out quickly because you have to use large amounts.

Avoid hard water problems

You can avoid the hidden costs of using hard water in winter by partnering with us at PB Water Softening. We will take a sample of your water and test it for free to ensure we aren’t working on assumptions. Our professional and experienced water softener technicians will take care of the hardness in your water and save you the hidden costs of using hard water. If you would like more information, please get in touch with us today.



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