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3 Ways a New Water Softener Can Sell Your House Faster

Published by Admin on

nj house

When you’re trying to sell a home for the best possible price, every little thing counts. The color of the walls, the cleanliness of the baseboards, and the age of the installed appliances can all have a huge impact on the final buying price of the home and it’s up to the seller to take all the necessary steps. Home buyers are constantly looking for places with recently updated water heaters, HVAC systems, and kitchen appliances, but what about water softening? If your neighborhood, city, or geographical region tends to run hard water through the taps, a new water softening unit could give you an edge on the real estate market that almost no one will see coming.

1. Buyers Who Know the Value of Soft Water

Selling a home successfully is all about understanding the local market. You want your home to be competitive not just on a universal scale, but in comparison to other homes nearby. The reason for this is obvious: buyers who will consider your home are also probably looking at other properties nearby. This means that those who know the area are familiar with your shared hard water challenges and are far more likely to value a home with a new, reliable water softener installed.

Any home buyer who has experienced the frustration, griminess, and challenge of living in a home that runs hard water will know the value of a new water softener when they see one. Just like a home with a shiny new stove or a new washer/dryer included, buyers who appreciate soft water will jump at the chance to get a home with a new unit.

2. The Allure of New Appliances

Of course, a new water softener is a strong influencer even for buyers who are new to the region and aren’t familiar with hard water challenges. New appliances are always an appealing sight in a home for sale. Each new appliance is another few hundred and a lot of hassle that the seller won’t have to go through. Just as everyone is chagrined at a home with the stove and dishwasher removed (because who does that, really?), buyers will be delighted to see a freshly installed, still dust-free water softening unit in your utility area. Especially if you take the time to explain what it does and why it’s vital to the house.

To get the best value from the new water softener, be sure to take potential buyers on a tour not just of the rooms and yard, but through the utility areas as well. They will love your transparency and you get a great chance to show off new appliances that buyers care about, even if they wouldn’t remember to investigate on their own.


3. Luscious Landscaping

The final perk of installing a new water softener before selling a home might be unexpected. Many people don’t know this, but hard water is terrible for plants. The same scale residue that forms on your bathtub, dishes, and laundry also forms on plant roots that are exposed to hard water. This can cause them to wither and receive fewer nutrients than they need. Installing a water softener or replacing an old water softener that was on its last legs can have an incredible effect on your gardening, especially if the unit effectively removes excess salt before running through the tap.

If you want your buyers to appreciate the value of your home and your garden to pop with amazing curb appeal, a new water softener is a great way to get your home sale in gear. For more information about installing a new water softener and what that means in the current housing market, contact us today!



Wyckoff NJ

537 Goffle Rd
Wyckoff, 07481


Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM-5:30 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

Newfoundland NJ

2850 Route 23 North
Newfoundland, 07435


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday: 9:00 AM-5:30 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM-6:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

Wayne NJ

2025 Suite B, Hamburg Turnpike, Wayne, NJ 07470


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday: 9:00 AM-5:30 PM
This office isn’t open on Saturday as it is not a retail location.